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Janosch Troehler



Edition #77 dives into the hottest Swiss music releases and takes a detour to Austria and the United Kingdom.

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Cloudy To Foggy

Five freshly curated tracks to dream, dance, and urge.

No, this isn't your weekly weather forecast. However, it might seem that way with track titles that translate to "cloud cover" and "sea of fog".

But today's selection might, in fact, be more on the colder side. Songs that build the perfect soundtrack to stay inside and reflect and dream. With one sweaty garage punk burst of sunshine.

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Edition #75 brings you a flavour of addictive beats, gentle melodies, and mysterious soundscapes.

Overflow is definitely a fitting title for this week‘s selection. With January gone, more artists line up their releases and choosing five songs becomes even more challenging.

I could have easily filled two editions. But Weekly5 is about limitation and, to some extent, sacrifice.

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reLISTEN #11: Shazam

Today's reLISTEN edition #11 brings you a selection of five tracks discovered via the recognition app Shazam.

Do you remember when it was a hassle to figure out which song you hear right now? However, when smartphones rose to the all-encompassing devices, the app Shazam also came into our lives and empowered us to research a track with the push of a button.

Although I’m not a regular Shazam user, the app comes in handy here and there. So I thought I share five songs I discovered thanks to “shazamming” them.

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January Recap

Check out some of the best songs released in January by Kaufmann Frust, Red Telephone, M. ilune, Josienne Clarke, and Juri Volta.

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