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Negative White presents Dennis Kiss on Album Tour

Dennis Kiss will release his debut album on the 6th of October. Negative White presents the subsequent tour of the Swiss-German artist. Here are the dates.

On October 6, the Swiss-German artist Dennis Kiss will release his debut album, Norddeich Mole. With his tristesse-filled indie sound, Kiss reflects on living in a postmodern society but still finds ease within the heavy-heartened.

One of the singles announcing the album, Bordeaux, has been featured in Weekly5. It's an exciting foretaste of the upcoming debut.

Bordeaux is shaped by forward-facing indie rock and a portion of postmodern sadness in the realm of artists like Betterov. However, the song reaches its unforgettable climax when the sax kicks in.

Experience The Album Live

With the release of Norddeich Mole, Dennis Kiss also kicks off an album tour through Switzerland and Germany—presented by Negative White.

  • 06.10.2023 – St. Gallen (CH), Grabenhalle
  • 07.10.2023 – Zurich (CH), Werk21
  • 11.10.2023 – Cologne (DE), Stereo Wonderland
  • 12.10.2023 – Hamburg (DE), Astra Stube
  • 13.10.2023 – Bremen (DE), Bürgerhaus Weserterassen
  • 19.10.2023 – Bern (CH), Stellwerk
  • 20.10.2023 – Basel (CH), Sommercasino
  • 21.10.2023 – Lucerne (CH), Treibhaus
  • 07.12.2023 – Munich (DE), Glockenbachwerkstatt

Closed: 1x2 Tickets for Thumpasaurus

US band Thumpasaurus play their first gig in Switzerland on June 10 at KiFF, Aarau. We're putting your name on the guest list.

Imagine a blend of rock, punk, funk, and jazz—that's what you can expect from Californian outfit Thumpasaurus. The band, formed at USC Thornton's Division of Contemporary Music, plays a sound that defies conventions.

«There are no two songs on this album that sound alike, and yet they all THUMP. These guys are eclectic and often swing in unpredictable directions,» Music-Survival-Guide writes about their album Thumpaverse. But Thumpasaurus also pair their exuberant playfulness always with a truckload of fun—best demonstrated in their hit Struttin'.

With their musical sophistication, Thumpasaurus quickly became a cult indie band that convinces with energetic, escalating live shows. They fill big venues in California, and their first gigs in the UK and Paris were sold out.

Experience Thumpasaurus' first Swiss show

On Saturday, June 10, Thumpasaurus will play their first concert in Switzerland. At KiFF, Aarau, they will deliver an unforgettable and unpredictable experience.

In cooperation with Good News Entertainment, we raffle off 1x2 spots on the guest list. So you and a friend can witness Thumpasaurus' eclectic sound for free.

Here's what you need to do:

  • If you receive this post as an email: Just hit the 👍 at the end, and you're participating in the contest.
  • If you read this post on the web: Write «I'm too funky» in a comment down below.

Deadline for entries: Friday, June 9, 12:00 am. The winner will be informed by email.