Latest stories (Page 38)
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Edition #57 is filled with the beautiful voices of Charlotte Brandi, Karin Park, Alice Boman & Perfume Genius, Lydmor, and Yule Post & Tom Gatza.

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With edition #56, Weekly5 returns and brings you exciting tracks by ÄTNA, Julien Bracht, Moonpools, Lizki and Sophia Blenda.

5 Tracks That Inspired Sensu
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5 Tracks That Inspired Sensu

Swiss electronica artist Sensu has released a new EP. In this special edition, she shares five tracks that inspired her creative process.

Before Summer Breaks
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Before Summer Breaks

The last edition before the summer break brings you new tracks by Tim Freitag, The Haunted Youth, Soft Captain, Juan Ithemba, and a collaboration between Gina Été and DJ Real Madrid.

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Synthwave is the peak of 80s nostalgia. We dive deeper into the genre's origins and its cultural impact in this special edition.

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