reLISTEN #17: Goosebumps II

In the following edition of reLISTEN, we uncover four classic studio recordings that provoke goosebumps. However, the last track deviates from the norm.

Photo: Cottonbro Studio /

In one of the first reLISTEN editions, we already presented five goosebump-provoking songs from artists like Adna or Louis Dunford.

It was one of the most popular issues of this format, where we recommend older songs—mainly around a specific subject. So, it's definitely time for a follow-up.

Today's edition consists again of five songs; however, only four of them were recorded in a studio. The last song adds a bit of a twist but arguably has one of the highest «chills factor» amongst today's selection.

The Beauty of Gemina – When We Know

Released in 2014 as part of their album Ghost Prayers, The Beauty of Gemina's When We Know is undoubtedly one of their most hauntingly beautiful songs. The acoustic guitar reverbs in the dark, accompanied by singer Michael Sele's deep voice. Faint strings appear in the background.

When We Know builds up slowly, the guitar gains energy, and the bass adds depth. But the knife that pierces right into your heart is the chorus with its cello melody and some of the best lyrics Sele has ever written:

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