Half Time

After 20 editions, it‘s time to reflect on the past months.

Half Time
Photo by Marcel Strauß / Unsplash

Usually, I spend my Friday nights listening to newly released tracks. However, the summer break is here, and I wandered hungry through London's urban canyons while my headphones rambled the same hotline music for about two hours. It turned out the bank had an IT problem and couldn't process payments.

But while waiting with hundreds of others whose credit cards also stopped working, I reflected on the past six months of Weekly5.

2022 started on a high note; I introduced the Weekly5 membership. So far, eleven people have decided that this platform is worth supporting not only with their time but also with a bit of money. I'm incredibly grateful for that. You guys rock!

The member-exclusive format of reLISTEN also kicked off in January, a regular curation of five older tracks. I've written six editions so far, with five discoveries I've made in Berlin being the latest post.

But of course, the regular Weekly5 editions are the backbone. Since January, you've received 20 of them, featuring 100 tracks I deemed worthy of your attention. How I create these curations I've described in this behind-the-scenes article.

How I Create A Weekly5 Edition
How does a regular Weekly5 come to live? In this behind the scenes explainer, I give you a glimpse into my curation process.

Looking back on these 100 selected songs, I'm pretty satisfied with my choices. But, naturally, some tracks stuck a bit more than others with me.

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