Jonathan Bree – Destiny (feat. Princess Chelsea)
A buzzing bass line slowly melts with the synthesizer's melody while dreamy voices whispers of love.
It's a New Zealand duet to die for: The obscure masked singer Jonathan Bree and the devilish angel voice of Princess Chelsea are a perfect match. And not the first time they've collaborated: Bree co-produced Princess Chelsea's albums Lil' Golden Book and The Great Cybernetic Depression while she contributed to his tracks like Static or Kiss My Lips.
With Destiny, they add another work into their collaborative cabinet. In all fairness, Destiny is hardly a surprise for avid Jonathan Bree fans. The song is put together with the same construction plans as basically any Bree track: A thick bass line, melodic synthesizers, and his sombre voice. They all create a distinctively melancholic sound with a glorious vintage vibe.

Liv Alma – Peeling
The tension is oppressing, almost brutally violent, but definitely leadenly heavy.
German musician Johanna Klein, aka Liv Alma, came into contact with various instruments at an early age: After learning classical piano, she dabbled with the saxophone and jazz music. Then, she deepened her musical skills at the Cologne University of Music and Dance. The pandemic was finally the catalyst that gave creative birth to her alter-ego Liv Alma.
Although Liv Alma is undoubtedly a newcomer, her work doesn't sound amateurish. After Palmtree and Anonymous, her third single, Peeling, is a beast: dense, dangerous, and dark. The strange humming and rattling are juxtaposed with her sensual singing to polish this experimental pop pearl. With Peeling, Liv Alma plugs an impressive flag onto the musical map.

Ladytron – City of Angels
Glimmering electro-pop with a unique voice—shooting Los Angeles into space.
Ladytron was founded in 1999 in Liverpool. Since then, the band has gained a considerable following amongst electro- and synth-pop fans around the globe. Their simply structured and often minimal songs are reminiscent of early 80's electronic music. I first encountered Ladytron in 2018 with their stunning singles The Animals and The Island; however, their most successful tracks remain Seventeen and the pushy Destroy Everything You Touch.
City of Angels is a smooth track, refined in Ladytron's sonic forge. Their sound remains somewhat postmodern, inherently retro, and still travelling through space and time with alien technology. The conjuring, trance-inducing voice of Helen Marnie is simply unmatched.