Neumatic Parlo – brightness

Neumatic Parlo tease the upcoming debut album with their new single, «brightness». Today, we celebrate the video premiere.

Neumatic Parlo – brightness

Into the brightness of the day. Neumatic Parlo's latest single shifts between light and dark, between optimism and despair, between tenderness and exclamation.

Neumatic Parlo. Photo: Mathis Ratschinski
Neumatic Parlo balance soft melancholy and ravish post-rock. Photo: Mathis Ratschinski

After the single carnage, released in July, the German band ups the anticipation for their debut album, play it as it lays, once again. But while carnage was a whirling-wild affair, brightness shines a different light on their musical prowess.

You can‘t kill the flame with water
When the oily ground is burning

These lines indicate that brightness is, at its core, a love song. However, the smouldering desire does come with an eery feeling of despair—maybe even pain. If you want an overly romanticised concept, this song will disappoint you.

But Neumatic Parlo's urging ode to love has its own raw beauty, meandering between soft melancholy and heavy post-rock, hailing back to 90s alternative.

Today, we proudly host the video premiere for brightness:

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