Mortòri – A Mort l’Amur

With the debut EP „A Mort l’Amur“, we get a first and captivating impression of Mortòri.

Mortòri – A Mort l’Amur

Aris Bassetti alias Mortòri, best known for his contributions with Peter Kernel, explores the disintegration of love, uncovers its fragility and dismantles illusions and unkept promises of relationships. The EP A Mort l’Amur gives us a taste of Mortòri’s despairing themes, but also a glimpse of the wild sound.

If there’s an apparent red thread here, it’s the Ticino dialect, an almost extinct language with a unique sound, like a mix of Italian and French. It may well be Bassetti’s crooning, but the vocals and the lyrics feel strangely familiar, foreign, archaic, and even ancient at the same time.

Aris Bassetti alias Mortòri wearing sunglasses and white make-up
Aris Bassetti alias Mortòri. Credits: Veronica Colonnello

A Mort l’Amur, cunningly released on Valentine’s Day, introduces us to Mortòri’s vision in four tracks. The minimalistic, creeping Bordel is laced with orientalistic influences. A hint of darkness, a pinch of mystique. La Gata covers itself with a soft vintage cloth, coloured with a slightly psychedelic brush. Here, one of Bassetti’s influences, The Velvet Underground, bubbles distinctively up to the surface.

But the best track remains O l’Amur—unifying a wealth of musical styles into a thrilling and hot flash. And again, the Ticino dialect simply works perfectly with his amalgamation of African and Arabic influences.

GDC then pushes the breaks again; a ballad with strings, bordering at opulent but ultimately sticking with Mortòri’s reduced compositions. It’s the second thing that holds this EP stylistically together: All the songs display the musician’s no unnecessary bullshit attitude to the production. They remain simple, refrain from extravagance. Their straight-forward nature has almost a punkish vibe at times.

A Mort l’Amur is a short amuse bouche—only ten minutes long. But it’s the perfect introduction to Mortòri who will release the full-length debut album towards the end of the year. And if this EP is any indication, there are enough reasons to be excited for it.

Mortòri – A Mort l’Amur

Release: 14/02/2025

  1. Bordel
  2. La Gata
  3. O l'Amur
  4. GDC

Janosch Troehler

Janosch Troehler

Founder & Editor of Negative White

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