Make A Stand

I didn‘t want to write this, and I didn‘t plan it. In fact, there was a post scheduled about the role of metrics in today’s music industry.

But today, it feels insignificant to write about some niche music subject.

The USA voted a fascist into their highest office despite everything we know. While sitting here, as a privileged individual in privileged Switzerland, I find myself between disbelief and despair.

But now is the time for vigilance, for conviction, for compassion. Not just in the USA but worldwide, as this election will make antidemocratic forces everywhere bolder and more aggressive.

We need to stand firm. We need not normalise this current development.

Whatever you might feel right now, we also need to remember the power of music.

I saw many people finding solace in The Cure’s Songs Of A Lost World, a sonic representation of their emotional state. Music can also energise us, give us strength and hope, and that’s what we need more than ever in this seemingly darkest of timelines.

Let’s find and share our encouraging songs, let’s continue to nurture our empathy through this unique art. Send a song to a friend in need or share it on our Discord.

I know I’ll be right here and share the music that impacts me and keeps me hopeful in the face of everything.

Janosch Troehler, founder & editor

Janosch Troehler

Janosch Troehler

Founder & Editor of Negative White

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