Without releasing any music, the Irish quintet Soft Launch has already sold out shows in London. This feat alone is proof enough that this band and their sound are a force to behold.
In 2024, Soft Launch published four songs. DIY Mag‘s Kyle Roczniak wrote about the debut single Cartwheels: „Showcasing their ability to intentionally craft flashy music with creative choices that allow each member to show off their forte—whilst still seeming perfectly at ease—Cartwheels is the start of Soft Launch‘s journey towards a very bright and colourful future.“
The four released tracks display a kaleidoscopic approach to indie-rock, enhanced with pop‘s catchiness and funky grooves. Milkshakes is a neon-lit anthem floating over fogged-up dance floors. In My Bed roams in sluggish ballad territory. And Piano Hands features a quirky, hedonistic sound that often escalates into weird yet captivating instrumentals.
But these four songs are only a glimpse at Soft Launch’s repertoire. To fully experience them requires seeing them on stage. This opportunity presents itself on March 23 at Hello Tomorrow. Get your ticket here.