Francesco Tancredi returns to Negative White

Photographer Francesco Tancredi is one of the most revered and long-time contributors to Negative White. Now, he has joined the team again.

Francesco Tancredi returns to Negative White
Francesco Tancredi joins Negative White. 

In late 2009, the Swiss band Spencer played a small concert in Zurich. Francesco Tancredi captured the gig and provided the photos to the very first article ever published by Negative White.

Leo Niessner, the singer of Spencer, at the concert in 2009.

Francesco joined Negative White in 2011 and became a dedicated core team member—someone who also covered concerts that weren't in his personal music taste. So, I'm thrilled to announce that Francesco Tancredi once again joins the platform as a resident photographer.

Francesco—or Franco, as everybody calls him—is a metalhead with every fibre. And like his favourite artists' music, his visual style is visceral and energetic. The photographs feel dynamic and full of movement, as if they are shot for an action movie poster.

I'm looking forward to collaborating with Franco again, and I'm especially excited about his contribution to Negative White ahead.

Here's a taste of Franco's previous work for Negative White with photos of Behemoth, Jennifer Rostock, System of a Down, Amon Amarth, The Prodigy, Arch Enemy, Eisbrecher, Alexisonfire, and Lamb of God.

Janosch Troehler

Janosch Troehler

Founder & Editor of Negative White

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