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Either Way

Edition #91 recommends the new songs by Marissa Burwell, kinda fragile, Deeper, Seed to Tree, and Cornelia Murr & Alice Boman.

Like waves, today's edition sways between tender, bittersweet and fast-paced, rough songs. And for once, our recommendations mainly originate not in mere single releases but from albums or EPs, allowing you to dive deeper into the artist's work.

Seed to Tree – Major Lydian

A Little Tree, the latest album of Luxemburg's Seed To Tree, features eight carefully crafted indie-pop songs. Major Lydian is a thoughtful yet forward-facing plea, filled with Wanderlust and equal love for the small nuances and big gestures. It's the quintessential greatness of the genre: The hymnic pensiveness.

Deeper – Glare

Chicago's Deeper have just published Careful!, their third studio record. It's an eclectic work of art, an amalgamation of indie-rock and post-punk, juxtaposing staccato lyrics and minimalistic compositions with a feel for melody. Glare pushes this stylistic marriage to fulfilment.

Cornelia Murr & Alice Boman – Heart of Scorpio

Two brilliant voices united. The duet of Los Angeles-based Cornelia Murr and Swedish Alice Boman simply oozes smoothness. Their collaborative song, Heart of Scorpio, sounds otherworldly, dreamy, almost ethereal. While Boman's sonic signature is apparent, Murr's voice brings a more US-flavoured folk sound to the table.

kinda fragile – Alone

Cameron Holland, alias kinda fragile, fuses the rough sound of the 90s. The LA-based artist's debut album, Milk, features everything that makes up for a noisy composition—shoegaze, alternative, and sometimes a hint of post-punk. Yet, in the song Alone, there's a distinct notion of lo-fi Grunge present.

Marissa Burwell – Either Way

Either Way, the heartfelt and reflective EP by Canadian singer-songwriter Marissa Burwell is a shimmering gem. The namesake song is a tender composition, a folky tune on the surface, but one that expands to infinity if you listen carefully. Either Way, the song and the EP, are the perfect soundtrack to roam in one's heart and soul.

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