Daily Bread – Iterum

The year can only be a good one if a number of promising albums are released in January. One of these gems is «Iterum» by Daily Bread. With their second album, the Dutch band have embarked on a path to a bright future.

Daily Bread – Iterum
This review was originally published in 2013 in German.

There was unrest in the band. Due to injury, the keyboard had to be manned by Atser Damsma. Kimberly van der Velden, who had previously played the keys, now concentrated entirely on the lead vocals. It was a change that took some getting used to, says the band. But the quartet worked so well that they decided to face the future together. A good decision, but one that also meant that the release date for the new album was pushed further and further back.

Daily Bread have achieved their goal of doing something completely different from the «sexy garage dance sound» on their debut. This is already reflected in the name of the new album, Iterum. And what the Dutch band offers in the twelve songs is an energetic sound fusion.

The starting point was the electropop that had accompanied them since their first album. Daily Bread went on tour for two years, playing clubs and renowned festivals. Then they returned home with full suitcases. The suitcases contained all kinds of experiences, inspiration and ideas. The band not only stirred their sound structures but also shook them vigorously. The new mix of electro-pop and various types of wave offers all sorts of fuel to ensure that the next stage will be on an uncertain path.

Allure is pure homage to the 80s. The first track on Iterum is driving and synth-pop and totally engaging. Is this 2013? It could just as easily be 1984 as we float towards a foggy dance floor in the glory days of the wave. Brilliant!

The title track, Iterum, also fits into this direction but is a bit more modern. Kimberly's voice echoes through the darkness with almost no instrumental accompaniment. Iterum is the heart and soul of the album; the essence is perfectly depicted on the cover.
Silica, in particular, stands out: Daily Bread stomp and hum with a technoid beat to the gate. Dramatically, they rise to choral epics as the song spreads its wings. Then, there is a flash and a clang. The walls crumble, sink to the ground in slow motion, and Silica takes off.

The album combines various influences that all come from the same place. But Daily Bread create an explosively spreading work from the primarily homogeneous ingredients. Imagine the cover of Dark Side Of The Moon, only that the rainbow radiates over 360 degrees. Iterum is an ode to life. It is melancholy, despairing, sad, angry, gentle, radical, floating and hard, landing and picking itself up again. Sometimes, it is also joyful, but not so often.

Daily Bread – Iterum

Release: 25/01/2013

  1. Allure
  2. Loverst
  3. The River
  4. Iterum
  5. Metamorphosis
  6. She Spider
  7. The Conflict
  8. Day Of Revolt
  9. The Persistence
  10. Silicia
  11. In All
  12. You Have Become

Janosch Troehler

Janosch Troehler

Founder & Editor of Negative White

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