The world has had to wait four years—a hellish eternity—for the latest spawn from Behemoth. After the brilliant album The Satanist, the Polish band now present their eleventh album: I Loved You At Your Darkest. The four-piece already warned in advance that this album would clearly stand out from the previous ones.
The fact that these were not just empty threats from frontman Nergal and his cronies is already evident in the title of the album. It seems strange in the Behemoth universe. The songs are surprisingly varied, even though the band was not considered monotonous before. They boldly enrich their devilish mixture of black and death metal. In God = Dog, electronic distortion hums over the chorales, while in Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica, you are suddenly assaulted by an intermezzo of acoustic guitar.
Come to me, Bartzabel
The stylistic richness makes I Loved You At Your Darkest less accessible than The Satanist. But the new album—like good wine—needs time to mature. Little by little, this bouquet unfolds. Behemoth continue to conjure up darkness, driving and powerful. Wolves Ov Siberia or Rome 5:8 tear open abysses with brute force. We Are The Next 1000 Years also creates this powerful wall of sound but then flows into an expansive ambient escapade.
Celebrating the dark rite, Bartzabel remains the most fascinating piece on the album: between archaism and demonic rapture, between pathos and raw rebellion.
I Loved You At Your Darkest is a rousing maelstrom—and Behemoth completely fulfil expectations. But it offers far more than the familiar and tried-and-tested: With this album, the four musicians explore the spectrum of their black-washed cathedral of sound. The facets of satanic art shimmer through the dark stained glass windows of their temple.
Behemoth prove once again that they belong to the avant-garde of metal. Despite their explorations into new corners of musical possibilities, their signature shines through. The infernal elemental force rains down on you relentlessly, accompanied by the quasi-religious imagery that Behemoth manifest as a cult.

Behemoth – I Loved You At Your Darkest
Release: 05/10/2018
- Solve
- Wolves ov Siberia
- God=Dog
- Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica
- Bartzabel
- If Crucifixion Was Not Enough…
- Angelvs XIII
- Sabbath Mater
- Havohej Pantocrator
- Rom 5:8
- We Are the Next 1000 Years
- Coagvla