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Evelyn Kutschera


The Vaccines & Teen Jesus and The Jean Teasers in Zurich

On Saturday, January 27, The Vaccines played a sold-out gig at Mascotte Club in Zurich. We brought home some impressions.

Founded in 2010, the London-based band The Vaccines are children of the indie rock hightimes. However, more than a decade later, they still managed to sell out venues: In this case, it was the revered club Mascotte in Zurich.

Opening for The Vaccines were Teen Jesus and The Jean Teasers, an all-female rock quartet from Canberra, Australia.

Warmed up by their power, the crowd took it to the next level with The Vaccines, who released their latest studio album, Pick-Up Full of Pink Carnations, this year. Encouraged by the natural entertainer skills of singer Justin Young, the Mascotte celebrated indie rock as if it is still in its genre prime.