The Fake Kind of Vinyl

AI-generated music takes away attention and revenue from real musicians. It's a problem.

The Fake Kind of Vinyl
Photo by Brett Jordan / Unsplash

Vinyl—celebrating a small but persistent comeback in recent years—is a soothing alternative to the hyperactivity of streaming services. Not only is it arguably a more conscious consumption of music, but also a welcome deterrent to AI-generated trash.

The vibrant culture around the big black discs is alive and well, as I once again experienced when visiting the local record store on «Record Store Day» past Saturday.

However, on the opposite spectrum, there is the all-availability of streaming, battling yet another big enemy besides the non-functioning business model: AI-generated music.

Last week, I stumbled over this "artist" called Obscurest Vinyl, pumping out song after song since the beginning of April.

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