A Musical Road Trip
Weekly5 • Edition #19 • Atzur, Desperate Journalist, Kendal, Foy Vance, Nebno
Today, the Weekly5 present itself once again as a colourful bouquet. The musical diversity remains a never-ending fascination for me. Even after 13 years, the admiration for artists who create great things across stylistic boundaries remains unbroken.
In this newsletter, I, therefore, recommend fresh material from European musicians. We embark on a musical road trip that spans the continent.
From Vienna to Barcelona, we ponder the meaning of home. Then over to London to shatter stereotypes. Next, we stop in postmodern Toulouse and dance our hearts out. Finally, in Northern Ireland, we look for our inner strength to dive into a new universe from Switzerland later on.
Atzur – Home to Home
Snow-covered fields pass by the windscreen. From Barcelona to Vienna - and back. This is how the continent-spanning anthem Home to Home by the Austrian-Spanish duo Atzur came into being. And there is this question: What is home, actually?
“And I've been afraid, cierro los ojos temo no volver,” Patricia Trost sings. “I close my eyes, afraid not to return.” The doubts are underpinned with longing and a sense of adventure but equally melancholy sounds of homesickness. Home to Home is torn, and yet optimism takes over at the end.
The drama of Home to Home is perfectly staged. In the best Florence + The Machine manner, Atzur build a power-packed monument. The sound is oversized, driven by pure conviction, and garnished with a good portion of pathos. A captivating mixture that throws you back to naked existence.